Looking for a simple but tasty non-alcoholic beverage that’s good for you too? Look no farther, I have 3 easy and delicious mocktail recipes that will boost your digestion and taste great, too.

3 healthy + quick mocktails. Lemon Ginger, Strawberry Basil + Watermelon Lime.

I’m more of an eater than a drinker, so having a yummy digesting boosting, antioxidant rich mocktail post dinner is one of my favorite night time rituals. I also have a huuuge sweet tooth so these tasty drinks are perfect after a big meal. Let’s be honest, they’re actually perfect any time of day.

With some simple fresh ingredients, you will have 3 healthy alternatives to a traditional cocktail. All 3 recipes are super easy, non-alcoholic, so refreshing and take less than 5 minutes to make. Another great perk is these mocktails are WAY cheaper than their counterpart, alcohol. You’ll have a yummy drink that doesn’t break the bank – that’s a win win to me! I created these recipes a few months ago when I was struggling with some major bloating and digestive issues. Along with a daily probiotic, drinking these mocktails a few times a week has made a MASSIVE difference in my digestion and overall comfort. These digestive mocktails will become a staple in your life, promise.

You don’t need many supplies for this recipe. Some glasses, some fresh fruits and some sparkling water – that’s it!
Ginger Lemon and Watermelon Lime mocktails. Which flavor would you try first?

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

These mocktails have apple cider vinegar which has so many health benefits! ACV is fermented and packed full of enzymes and healthy bacteria – similar to kombucha, which make it great for aiding digestion. The apple cider vinegar freaked me out at first too, but in combination with the other flavors it works so well. Michael (my boyfriend) and I both swear by these mocktails. Your digestive system will be thanking you after you try them.


  • 1 inch knob of ginger
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 12 oz sparkling water (plain or lemon works!)

Add the ginger (don’t worry about peeling it), lemon juice, ACV, honey and a splash of the sparkling water to a blender. Blend until everything is combined. Pour through a strainer to remove the ginger pulp. Pour over ice and top with the remaining sparkling water. If you are feeling exxxxtra, add a little slice of kiwi to garnish. It pairs surprisingly well.

Ginger Lemon mocktail made with fresh ginger, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Great for boosting the digestive system!


  • 8-9 frozen strawberries
  • 5-6 basil leaves
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tsp honey (optional)
  • 12 oz sparkling water (plain or strawberry, Waterloo is my preference!)

Add strawberries, basil leaves and ACV to a blender. Blend until everything is combined and smooth. Pour over ice and top with sparkling water. Add some more strawberry for a garnish.

I don’t want to pick favorites, but this strawberry basil flavor might be my favorite mocktail! The frozen strawberries make this a slushie consistency and it has the perfect amount of sweetness.


  • ½ c seedless watermelon chunks (freeze it for a more slushie like consistency)
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 12 oz lime sparkling water (Topochico is my favorite, but any brand works)
  • 1 tsp chili powder (optional)
  • 1 tsp pink salt (optional)

Add watermelon, lime juice, ACV and honey to a blender. Blend until smooth. Dip the rim of your glass in some lime juice. Next, dip the rim into a mixture of chili powder and salt for a little extra flair. This step isn’t necessary but the spice adds a nice kick! Pour over ice and top with sparkling water. Add some more watermelon as a garnish and enjoy.

Watermelon lime mocktail made with Topo Chico sparkling water. How cute are these cactus glasses?! I thrifted them for $0.99 – win win! This mocktail is a little spicy with the addition of the chili salt rim.

Mocktail recipes are flexible – add your own flair!

These recipes are really flexible, so feel free to add your own spin on them. If you are feeling adventurous, try a different flavor of sparkling water or throw in some crushed mint! There are unlimited flavor combos.

Which mocktail flavor combo are you going to try first? Tag me when you try these and let me know what you think! You can keep up with me on Instagram @annafenstermacher or here, on my blog, Brunette Collective! Talk soon, thanks for joining me today.

Topo Chico and Waterloo are my favorite brands of sparkling water to use. They have so many amazing flavors that allow you to switch up the flavor combos.


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Hi there, I'm Anna

Brunette Collective is a lifestyle blog focused on creating happiness through an intentional life, founded by Anna Fenstermacher.