Hi, friends! My name is Amanda DiMarco, host of Just Mands The Podcast, founder of the blog Just Mands, and a huge lover of oat milk lattes and avocados. My boyfriend is a close third. 

Most recently, I got pregnant, graduated college, and became a NASM Certified Personal Trainer because health and fitness are two of my biggest passions. The other is inspiring others to live their most genuine lives by doing what they love without fear and taking better care of themselves. I’m a real big advocate of journaling, baths, & watching disney movies with a kale face mask on while shoveling popcorn into my mouth. No one wants to watch a movie without snacks — it’s just the facts.

Another fact — September is the best month of the year. I’m saying it. September is often when we find ourselves going back to school, starting a new job, moving into a new place, or simply just watching the leaves change from green to orange to brown. It’s a season of change. Where us and the things around us evolve into something new one by one, day by day. A transitional period — which can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed, unsure, and anxious about what’s going to come. Some days we may long for the previous season, other days we never look back and anticipate what the future holds with excitement. Either way, it’s easy to neglect the present moment during the month of September — constantly living in the past or the future. If we’re not conscious of our wandering minds, moments become distant memories and we become older, wishing that we enjoyed a certain moment just a little bit more.

breathwork and stretching are great ways to incorporate self care into your daily routine
Practicing a short act of self care – yoga and stretching

Don’t worry, our wandering minds are what make us human. However, becoming more mindful and intentional will also enhance our human experience. My favorite way to bring myself back to the present moment is by implementing acts of self care into my days throughout the week. And it doesn’t have to be hard or complicated! Sometimes self care acts are hour long activities, other times their little moments scattered throughout my day. How long each day you practice self care isn’t important, but the intention and the frequency is.

With so much change happening in our lives right now, it’s important to make self care something that is easy to incorporate and doesn’t stress you out. It’s equally as important to understand that our self care routines will look different than someone else’s depending on our jobs, where we live, what we like, and how we’re feeling that day. Do not compare your acts of self care to the next person’s — the point is to find something that resonates with you and is able to bring you back to the present moment. Below are some ways you can sprinkle self care into your days and weeks this September. I’ve broken them down into “short acts of self care” and “longer acts of self care” so that you can find something that’s flexible and works for you.


Stay disconnected from technology for the first 30-60 minutes upon waking up. 

  • Journal
  • Meditate
  • Read a chapter of a book
  • Get some physical touch, like a hug, from a friend or a cuddle with your partner
  • Stretch
  • Get some sun exposure
  • Do breathwork
  • Call and catch up with a friend
  • Make your bed
  • Lay down for 5 minutes between assignments or work


  • Draw yourself a bath
  • Have a spa night with a full skin care routine & mask
  • Get crafty with your hands — paint, draw, or make some art
  • Go for a walk
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Do some yoga
  • Clean the house, room, closet, or apartment
  • Have lunch with a friend, family member, or partner
  • Go to the gym
  • Have a date morning, afternoon, or night with your partner 
  • Schedule a facial, massage, acupuncture, chiropractor, or nail appointment
  • Go for a drive
  • Book a mini vacation
  • Spend the day in nature
practicing stretching and yoga as a daily form of self care
Yoga and exercise can be a great way to refresh your mind and body


Find me over on Instgram @justmands and tell me how you’re incorporating self care acts into your daily routine this September! You can also check out my podcast Just Mands The Podcast on Apple or Spotify and have a listen — I talk all things wellness, womanhood, and self-growth and would love to have you. Don’t forget to head over to to read the post Anna wrote on my blog, “3 Digestive Aiding Mocktails.” Happy Fall, friends!


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Hi there, I'm Anna

Brunette Collective is a lifestyle blog focused on creating happiness through an intentional life, founded by Anna Fenstermacher.